I remember the first time I went to a concert but EWF was the opening act in Nashville, TN. Had us going and if I not mistaken you were though but the crowd wanted more and you gave. I been in love with group ever since. Marice White what can I say. Every song and lyric he spoke was of love, peace, and well being. I am very thankful that you are continuing the group. My sister and I and a friend, and my six month old baby boy (I didn’t have anyone to keep him) and I remember Verdine playing the drums and he was lifted up in the air and a big cloud of smoke came and Lord have mercy he was playing the bass guitar. So I Juanita Bridgeforth and my sister Connie Brown will be at the October 17 concert. It been so long. oh, bye the way my son is 46 now. God bless you Earth, Wind and Fire. You are a shinning star.
What’s that indescribable thing about an Earth, Wind & Fire record? The secret ingredient was something that Maurice White knew how to do better than anyone else. Maurice knew how to put “love” on tape. You can’t teach it, you can’t imitate it, you can’t force it, but you know when it’s there, because the music fills your heart. Thank you Maurice. As a child, I would stare at the speakers, mesmerized by the magical love that was coming out of the speakers and permeating my heart. The arrangements kept me spellbound. You not only taught me everything I needed to know about music, you shown a light in my heart that would be an addiction that I would pursue for a lifetime. The pursuit of all things love and light. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m forever grateful for your contribution to humanity. Your music literally makes the world a better place.
My first concert was at 17. I’m loving the new EWF lineup. “Every Now and Then” a tribute to Maurice White. How we miss his iconic voice. Looking to hear these EWF songs in concert “Guiding Lights, Sign On, My Promise, Love is Law. ” Wonderland, Why, Never. Sooooo many hits we love almost 50 years later! Love you EWF! Gob bless.
Saw Earth, Wind and Fire last night in Illinois. Pure JOY—such a small word but huge concept. Audience members laughing and smiling with their entire souls!
Thank you Earth, Wind and Fire for such a gift to the world. Your music is transcendent—everything else disappears and you’re transported to a place of sheer joy. Maurice White succeeded in his vision to gift the world with something spiritual and joyful.
Every song in the concert made me realize how much positive energy your music has brought to my life for decades. It was an honor to share that joy with the audience! You have made history and we love you!
It was a blessing to hear Maurice and the musicians in the Band. He will be missed, but his Spirit lives on and The memories he helped create are Timeless reminding us to be forever young with happiness and love. Thank you, Peace and Love, Gina from Maryland
Ase’… Saw EWF tonight in Cleveland Ohio( Northfield)
This was my 1st time ever seeing them perform. OMG!!! Powerful just powerful! The journey the guys took us on was mesmerizing and emotional. All supported on the foundation of LOVE!!! Tears came to my eyes when Phillip told us all to turn on your cell phone flashlight in remembrance and those we have lost. My Dad instantly came to my memory and the tears flowed as they sang. Never heard a band this tight and fluid.This was a treat I will never forget. Rest in Grace Maurice. Thank you.
So many of shows were so godly inspirational. I wish some of your songs could be in joyed in church. I tell people but I don’t think they hear me. I think many more people would love the songs if they just listen to the words and take them to heart. Thanks for all the love I fell when I enjoy your songs. Many thanks and love to you all. Wonder
At the ripe old age of 49, Maurice White and by extension, Earth Wind and Fire wrote the soundtrack of my life. So many songs ministered to my spirit directly and helped form the man and the Being that I am today. Losing Maurice still hurts to this day. A man that I never met in my life, but yet I loved like he was a close family member. I can only thank the Creator for the gift that he gave the world in Maurice. Maurice’s life force may be gone from us physically, but the metaphysical plane of existence that he created that cements the bond in all of us that loved him and his music. Thank you so much Reece. Here I am in 2022 reflecting on your genius and giving thanks for who you were in my life. I know that you, Charles Stepney, Ramsey Lewis, Donny Hathaway, and countless others are having some serious jam sessions up there. It is times like this that I wish heaven were not so far away.
I’m so proud and honored to have been blessed with this man’s incredible music along with the amazing band he put his heart and soul.into starting. Thank you Maurice for everything!!! You truly are a national treasure.
Saw them at Dodgers stadium a few years ago w Fleetwood Mac, journey. It was awesome for my bday. Can’t wait til they come back to Los Angeles. So many memories since I was a kid. Thank u guys(EWF). Love u guys.
I always felt Maurice was a cosmic being who radiated love and shared his genius with the world. HIs music and what it meant to me is beyond description.
Whenever I feel down I throw in some EWF and I instantly feel better. This is one of the greatest bands ever assembled. The DVD EWF with Chicago is one of the greatest recordings ever captured.
So how does it feel knowing you brought so many people joy throughout the years? I only hope for the remaining members, it was equally joyful.
Blessings to EWF and it’s legacy….. Merry Christmas 2022.
Earth Wind and Fire was the soundtrack of my childhood. At almost 51 years old, I’m still listening, and moved by their music. Thank you for the music Maurice White.
The word genius get thrown around a lot so for some it has lost it’s meaning, but not for Maurice White. When the best musicians in the world say they don’t know how you made the sound that came out of the group Earth, Wind, and Fire you know that the music is eternal, and the words are not only magical, but spiritual. Thanks for the joy and the blessing of your awesome music. Rest IN Peace.
The first time I listened to Earth Wind and Fire was in 1977. For me the greatest group of my live. Their music is wonderful. Maurice White was the creator of the best group with the greatest musicians. Thank you Maurice. Im sure you are singing to Him in the Paradise. From Spain with love to this Group. 66 years old and still enjoying with your music.
I spent 24 years in the USAF, 20 as an AFRTS military broadcaster. Early in my career I had the opportunity to go to London to interview Maurice White in the 1977-80 time frame. Maurice was kind to allow me to do the interview at the sound check for that night’s performance. He even gave me a ticket for that performance. Their music was very captivating and listening to it you couldn’t help but tape your foot to keep up with the rythum. He was an all around musical genius…writing, singing and producing, he was the guiding light for the group. He left his mark on the music of the day and cemented his name and the group in musical history.
USAF retired
Armed Forces Radio & Television Service (AFRTS)
My father asked me what my all time favorite group was, I said Earth, Wind and Fire, no doubt. Maurice White was a genius and his talent still resonates today! He will always be remembered and missed. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo … Until the next life. Rest in Peace.
went to see ewf in 1979 at bingley hall, leeds, the place is/was enormous i was 18, i’ve still got the programme! priceless! listening to magic mind right nowww!!!
As a small child the very 1st EW&F song listened to was “ EVIL” . I have been a huge fan ever since. I cried the day Maurice White died as if he was my Father. Listening to him along with EW&F taught me so much musically and shaped me into being the musician I am. I appreciate every member of EW&F for their great contributions to this world musically. Their music will live on forever, teaching and showing the world how to make it a better place simply by “ Singing A Song” and reminding us that you’re a “ Shining Star”, no matter who you are, so “Be Ever Wonderful”.. May you rest in heavenly peace “Reece”!….️
Maurice White and EWF,the greatest band in the land! I thank the Almighty for giving them the chance to touch the world like no other group could do.www.felixlangford.com is where you’ll find my music….My life wouldn’t be the same without EWF!!
My first concert ever was EW&F. It has and always be my favorite group. Thank you for continuing to showcase your amazing music. You truly are one of a kind.
I discovered Earth Wind & Fire from the album, “Last Days & Times”. I was 15, a trumpet player and a child of music. What struck me most profoundly was the positivity of the lyrics, and the unique style of music. My first concert was in 1974 in D.C. at the new Capitol Center. Amazing show! I have been to at least 15 shows since that time. I also wrote a video concept for the song, “Lovely People” and got a chance to present it to Ralph Johnson in 2005 at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. I am forever grateful for the song in particular, “Head To The Sky”. That song has inspired me throughout my entire adulthood! Thank you so much! Long live Maurice White!
Sono cresciuto con gli E.W. & F. la loro musica trascinava…l’ascoltavo di continuo finche sono riuscito a vedere un loro concerto a Treviso se non ricordo male……FANTASTICI!!!! Sempre nel cuore Maurice White!!!! Grande!!!!
Golly, there are so many memories and what Maurice White did for music and to millions of Americans and the worldwide. He touched the world with music that reverberates throughout our hearts forever. Maurice, and EWF were one and the music resonates throughout generations and generations to come! I’m 69 years old, and it seems like since EWF and Maurice from 1973 captured my heart for the wonderful and memorable music played. I have been following EWF and Maurice since your conception (I believe). Unforgetable music, Maurice and EWF brought alive our souls and flooded our hearts with a sound and beat that will last for eternity. Maurice and EWF are blessed from God to have such touching and moving music. I was a Chicago fan and still am to this date but EWF has captured my heart with Maurice’s guidance and talent. I’ve attended nearly all of the concerts here on the West Coast through the Mid-West. Because of medical issues, I may never be able to attend another concert (highlight of my life to enjoy in person) the beautiful music as medical costs for me are outrageous but I’m still hoping to attend one of the concerts in Las Vegas this October (hopefully). God bless all of you and thank you so much for blessing me with your music and entertainment for so many years. I’ve watched Maurice from the beginning and enjoyed so much he gave to the world. It saddened me so much when he became sick and did not participate in the concerts EWF was performing. When he left this world to be with Jesus Christ in a more perfect world, there is no doubt Maurice is making tunes so beautiful that King Jesus is dancing to his music. The energy, talent, and dedication to perfection EWF commits to in music makes this music groups the best on the planet!! God bless you all and thank you so much for allowing me to share my heart with you about Maurice and EWF. My prayers will always be with you and I pray God will help me be able to attend one of your concerts in Las Vegas this year!! Blessings!!
Maurice White’s music is the soundtrack of my life! I fell in love with EWF when my sister brought the Way of the World album home, I was in elementary school. I saw The Elements at Joe Lou’s Arena when I was in middle school. My husband and I took or sons who are now adults to see EWF when they were in elementary and middle school they both love EWF. I made it clear with my husband and children, when I leave this earth, That’s The Way of The World must be played at my memorial service. On Your Face is my go to when it gets rough. I send the song to my sons and friends when they need a little boost. “This world can’t shake me, won’t let it drive me mad” I keep it positive through it all! Thank You Maurice White!!!
Yes the band hands down I saw them on tour with Chicago was great but the white black Audience wanted EWF on the Stage to finish the Show wonderful show in Grand Rapids michigan
Seeing Maurice and the rest of the band at several concerts over the years (many, many years!!!) has proven to be the joyous experience ‘part of life’. Thanks to him and every one else involved… many, many, many thanks!!!!! God Bless!!!
I was in my early 20s (I’m now nearly 60!) when I realised that there was one song that featured on EVERY party mix-tape I’d ever made. At that point I came to the conclusion that that particular song was indeed my all-time favourite. And what, I hear you ask, was that song?
“September”, the greatest soul/funk/disco song ever committed to vinyl and, of course, co-written, sung and produced by that master of groove, harmony and all things musical, Maurice White.
Thank you, Mr White, for the greatest song of all….
I love you all since i was a kid!. I’m Argentine and keep on dancing with your hits!!! Thanks, God, you did the music that you did and keep rolling!. Earth, Wind, and Fire and Maurice, Verdine, Phillip, Ralph, Al and their families, friends and musicians will be always alive . Thanks, we are with you always!
I remember as a young boy at the age of probably 9 back in 1977, when my father was stationed in Karlshrule, Germany, he had bought home a vinyl of the Open Our Eyes album and I remember being mesmerized from what I heard. The magic from this particular album was unreal and still has a magic even after all of these years. This was my first official love affair with this group. Listening to Maurice play the Kalimba was a sound like I’ve never heard. Their music is timeless and there isn’t a group like them.
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I remember the first time I went to a concert but EWF was the opening act in Nashville, TN. Had us going and if I not mistaken you were though but the crowd wanted more and you gave. I been in love with group ever since. Marice White what can I say. Every song and lyric he spoke was of love, peace, and well being. I am very thankful that you are continuing the group. My sister and I and a friend, and my six month old baby boy (I didn’t have anyone to keep him) and I remember Verdine playing the drums and he was lifted up in the air and a big cloud of smoke came and Lord have mercy he was playing the bass guitar. So I Juanita Bridgeforth and my sister Connie Brown will be at the October 17 concert. It been so long. oh, bye the way my son is 46 now. God bless you Earth, Wind and Fire. You are a shinning star.
What’s that indescribable thing about an Earth, Wind & Fire record? The secret ingredient was something that Maurice White knew how to do better than anyone else. Maurice knew how to put “love” on tape. You can’t teach it, you can’t imitate it, you can’t force it, but you know when it’s there, because the music fills your heart. Thank you Maurice. As a child, I would stare at the speakers, mesmerized by the magical love that was coming out of the speakers and permeating my heart. The arrangements kept me spellbound. You not only taught me everything I needed to know about music, you shown a light in my heart that would be an addiction that I would pursue for a lifetime. The pursuit of all things love and light. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m forever grateful for your contribution to humanity. Your music literally makes the world a better place.
My first concert was at 17. I’m loving the new EWF lineup. “Every Now and Then” a tribute to Maurice White. How we miss his iconic voice. Looking to hear these EWF songs in concert “Guiding Lights, Sign On, My Promise, Love is Law. ” Wonderland, Why, Never. Sooooo many hits we love almost 50 years later! Love you EWF! Gob bless.
His vision of coming together in LOVE is and should be a universal message. Thank you Reese for your contributions!!!
Maurice was love.
Saw Earth, Wind and Fire last night in Illinois. Pure JOY—such a small word but huge concept. Audience members laughing and smiling with their entire souls!
Thank you Earth, Wind and Fire for such a gift to the world. Your music is transcendent—everything else disappears and you’re transported to a place of sheer joy. Maurice White succeeded in his vision to gift the world with something spiritual and joyful.
Every song in the concert made me realize how much positive energy your music has brought to my life for decades. It was an honor to share that joy with the audience! You have made history and we love you!
It was a blessing to hear Maurice and the musicians in the Band. He will be missed, but his Spirit lives on and The memories he helped create are Timeless reminding us to be forever young with happiness and love. Thank you, Peace and Love, Gina from Maryland
So glad to be part of the EWF, Fire Nation global family.
Ase’… Saw EWF tonight in Cleveland Ohio( Northfield)
This was my 1st time ever seeing them perform. OMG!!! Powerful just powerful! The journey the guys took us on was mesmerizing and emotional. All supported on the foundation of LOVE!!! Tears came to my eyes when Phillip told us all to turn on your cell phone flashlight in remembrance and those we have lost. My Dad instantly came to my memory and the tears flowed as they sang. Never heard a band this tight and fluid.This was a treat I will never forget. Rest in Grace Maurice. Thank you.
So many of shows were so godly inspirational. I wish some of your songs could be in joyed in church. I tell people but I don’t think they hear me. I think many more people would love the songs if they just listen to the words and take them to heart. Thanks for all the love I fell when I enjoy your songs. Many thanks and love to you all. Wonder
Maurice was “All About Love “
At the ripe old age of 49, Maurice White and by extension, Earth Wind and Fire wrote the soundtrack of my life. So many songs ministered to my spirit directly and helped form the man and the Being that I am today. Losing Maurice still hurts to this day. A man that I never met in my life, but yet I loved like he was a close family member. I can only thank the Creator for the gift that he gave the world in Maurice. Maurice’s life force may be gone from us physically, but the metaphysical plane of existence that he created that cements the bond in all of us that loved him and his music. Thank you so much Reece. Here I am in 2022 reflecting on your genius and giving thanks for who you were in my life. I know that you, Charles Stepney, Ramsey Lewis, Donny Hathaway, and countless others are having some serious jam sessions up there. It is times like this that I wish heaven were not so far away.
I’m so proud and honored to have been blessed with this man’s incredible music along with the amazing band he put his heart and soul.into starting. Thank you Maurice for everything!!! You truly are a national treasure.
Saw them at Dodgers stadium a few years ago w Fleetwood Mac, journey. It was awesome for my bday. Can’t wait til they come back to Los Angeles. So many memories since I was a kid. Thank u guys(EWF). Love u guys.
I always felt Maurice was a cosmic being who radiated love and shared his genius with the world. HIs music and what it meant to me is beyond description.
Simply the greatest band ever. They have made life worth living
Whenever I feel down I throw in some EWF and I instantly feel better. This is one of the greatest bands ever assembled. The DVD EWF with Chicago is one of the greatest recordings ever captured.
So how does it feel knowing you brought so many people joy throughout the years? I only hope for the remaining members, it was equally joyful.
Blessings to EWF and it’s legacy….. Merry Christmas 2022.
Earth Wind and Fire was the soundtrack of my childhood. At almost 51 years old, I’m still listening, and moved by their music. Thank you for the music Maurice White.
Maurice was a beautiful soul who inspired us all, throughout Earth Planet.
Rest in Peace
Tears whirlpools hè past away , miss him and bis voice
Sounds of God! Love! Passion! Angels voices! Rythm from another dimension! Pulse! Sun! God!
The word genius get thrown around a lot so for some it has lost it’s meaning, but not for Maurice White. When the best musicians in the world say they don’t know how you made the sound that came out of the group Earth, Wind, and Fire you know that the music is eternal, and the words are not only magical, but spiritual. Thanks for the joy and the blessing of your awesome music. Rest IN Peace.
Gracias Maurice y Familia Earth Wind and Fire….Tu Musica es inspiracion siempre…Gracias desde Chile Latinoamerica
The first time I listened to Earth Wind and Fire was in 1977. For me the greatest group of my live. Their music is wonderful. Maurice White was the creator of the best group with the greatest musicians. Thank you Maurice. Im sure you are singing to Him in the Paradise. From Spain with love to this Group. 66 years old and still enjoying with your music.
I spent 24 years in the USAF, 20 as an AFRTS military broadcaster. Early in my career I had the opportunity to go to London to interview Maurice White in the 1977-80 time frame. Maurice was kind to allow me to do the interview at the sound check for that night’s performance. He even gave me a ticket for that performance. Their music was very captivating and listening to it you couldn’t help but tape your foot to keep up with the rythum. He was an all around musical genius…writing, singing and producing, he was the guiding light for the group. He left his mark on the music of the day and cemented his name and the group in musical history.
USAF retired
Armed Forces Radio & Television Service (AFRTS)
Maurice White was a modern day prophet with lyrics of resolution for mankind by promoting the Ultimate Being in Jesus Christ!
Gratitude and devotion.
My father asked me what my all time favorite group was, I said Earth, Wind and Fire, no doubt. Maurice White was a genius and his talent still resonates today! He will always be remembered and missed. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo … Until the next life. Rest in Peace.
went to see ewf in 1979 at bingley hall, leeds, the place is/was enormous i was 18, i’ve still got the programme! priceless! listening to magic mind right nowww!!!
positive music happy music
As a small child the very 1st EW&F song listened to was “ EVIL” . I have been a huge fan ever since. I cried the day Maurice White died as if he was my Father. Listening to him along with EW&F taught me so much musically and shaped me into being the musician I am. I appreciate every member of EW&F for their great contributions to this world musically. Their music will live on forever, teaching and showing the world how to make it a better place simply by “ Singing A Song” and reminding us that you’re a “ Shining Star”, no matter who you are, so “Be Ever Wonderful”.. May you rest in heavenly peace “Reece”!….️
Maurice White and EWF,the greatest band in the land! I thank the Almighty for giving them the chance to touch the world like no other group could do.www.felixlangford.com is where you’ll find my music….My life wouldn’t be the same without EWF!!
I’m seeing EWF for the first time this Sunday at Jones Beach. My heart breaks that Maurice will not be there.
My first concert ever was EW&F. It has and always be my favorite group. Thank you for continuing to showcase your amazing music. You truly are one of a kind.
I discovered Earth Wind & Fire from the album, “Last Days & Times”. I was 15, a trumpet player and a child of music. What struck me most profoundly was the positivity of the lyrics, and the unique style of music. My first concert was in 1974 in D.C. at the new Capitol Center. Amazing show! I have been to at least 15 shows since that time. I also wrote a video concept for the song, “Lovely People” and got a chance to present it to Ralph Johnson in 2005 at Constitution Hall, Washington, D.C. I am forever grateful for the song in particular, “Head To The Sky”. That song has inspired me throughout my entire adulthood! Thank you so much! Long live Maurice White!
Charles D. Harrison, Raleigh, NC
Sono cresciuto con gli E.W. & F. la loro musica trascinava…l’ascoltavo di continuo finche sono riuscito a vedere un loro concerto a Treviso se non ricordo male……FANTASTICI!!!! Sempre nel cuore Maurice White!!!! Grande!!!!
Golly, there are so many memories and what Maurice White did for music and to millions of Americans and the worldwide. He touched the world with music that reverberates throughout our hearts forever. Maurice, and EWF were one and the music resonates throughout generations and generations to come! I’m 69 years old, and it seems like since EWF and Maurice from 1973 captured my heart for the wonderful and memorable music played. I have been following EWF and Maurice since your conception (I believe). Unforgetable music, Maurice and EWF brought alive our souls and flooded our hearts with a sound and beat that will last for eternity. Maurice and EWF are blessed from God to have such touching and moving music. I was a Chicago fan and still am to this date but EWF has captured my heart with Maurice’s guidance and talent. I’ve attended nearly all of the concerts here on the West Coast through the Mid-West. Because of medical issues, I may never be able to attend another concert (highlight of my life to enjoy in person) the beautiful music as medical costs for me are outrageous but I’m still hoping to attend one of the concerts in Las Vegas this October (hopefully). God bless all of you and thank you so much for blessing me with your music and entertainment for so many years. I’ve watched Maurice from the beginning and enjoyed so much he gave to the world. It saddened me so much when he became sick and did not participate in the concerts EWF was performing. When he left this world to be with Jesus Christ in a more perfect world, there is no doubt Maurice is making tunes so beautiful that King Jesus is dancing to his music. The energy, talent, and dedication to perfection EWF commits to in music makes this music groups the best on the planet!! God bless you all and thank you so much for allowing me to share my heart with you about Maurice and EWF. My prayers will always be with you and I pray God will help me be able to attend one of your concerts in Las Vegas this year!! Blessings!!
Maurice White’s music is the soundtrack of my life! I fell in love with EWF when my sister brought the Way of the World album home, I was in elementary school. I saw The Elements at Joe Lou’s Arena when I was in middle school. My husband and I took or sons who are now adults to see EWF when they were in elementary and middle school they both love EWF. I made it clear with my husband and children, when I leave this earth, That’s The Way of The World must be played at my memorial service. On Your Face is my go to when it gets rough. I send the song to my sons and friends when they need a little boost. “This world can’t shake me, won’t let it drive me mad” I keep it positive through it all! Thank You Maurice White!!!
It’s like he never left. I love Earth Wind and Fire a lot. Hope they come back to Boston.
Yes the band hands down I saw them on tour with Chicago was great but the white black Audience wanted EWF on the Stage to finish the Show wonderful show in Grand Rapids michigan
Seeing Maurice and the rest of the band at several concerts over the years (many, many years!!!) has proven to be the joyous experience ‘part of life’. Thanks to him and every one else involved… many, many, many thanks!!!!! God Bless!!!
I was in my early 20s (I’m now nearly 60!) when I realised that there was one song that featured on EVERY party mix-tape I’d ever made. At that point I came to the conclusion that that particular song was indeed my all-time favourite. And what, I hear you ask, was that song?
“September”, the greatest soul/funk/disco song ever committed to vinyl and, of course, co-written, sung and produced by that master of groove, harmony and all things musical, Maurice White.
Thank you, Mr White, for the greatest song of all….
I love you all since i was a kid!. I’m Argentine and keep on dancing with your hits!!! Thanks, God, you did the music that you did and keep rolling!. Earth, Wind, and Fire and Maurice, Verdine, Phillip, Ralph, Al and their families, friends and musicians will be always alive . Thanks, we are with you always!
I remember as a young boy at the age of probably 9 back in 1977, when my father was stationed in Karlshrule, Germany, he had bought home a vinyl of the Open Our Eyes album and I remember being mesmerized from what I heard. The magic from this particular album was unreal and still has a magic even after all of these years. This was my first official love affair with this group. Listening to Maurice play the Kalimba was a sound like I’ve never heard. Their music is timeless and there isn’t a group like them.